Portal 2 features various puzzles that the player has to solve using the portal gun or an aperture science handheld portal device which will create portal connecting the two distant surfaces. Portal 2 features the guided tour which will guide the player through the general movements control and will tell the player how to interact with the environment. Your main objective in the game is to explore the Aperture Science Laboratory whilst most of the game modular test chamber with clearly plotted entry and exit points and other parts of the game will occur behind the scenes where the objective is a blur. Overall there are four characters in the game that will explore and interact with the game’s open world. Portal 2 allows you to play the role of Chell as one of the two robots atlas and P Body in a simplistic or cooperative campaign in community developed puzzles. *Download free mods, skins, and textures for Portal 2! Login Register.

Mel was an Olympic athlete hired to help in Aperture's testing, specifically the testing of the Aperture Short-Term Relaxation Vault. Mel lived in the Aperture golden era of the 1950s, when they could afford to hire the best of humanity to test for them.

Walkthrough: Portal Stories Mel (Story Mode) Playlist: Story (SPOILER!) An Aperture Science test subject named Mel arrives at Aperture via train in 1952. *Portal Stories Mel Test Chamber 2 Walkthrough Portal 2 Free Download 2019 Multiplayer PC Game With All Latest DLCs And Updates For Mac OS X DMG Including Aperture Tag The Paint Gun Testing Initiative, Portal Stories Mel, Thinking With Time Machine And Portal 2 The Final Hours.